Deluxe Folder Icon Creator © Copyright 1996 by Jim Cushing version 1.5 Deluxe Folder Icon Creator is an EgoWare production. If you use and enjoy this program (which you surely will!), the author requests that you send a postcard with a message stating how much you love the program, and what a great guy the author is. Read “Contacting the Author” for further details Please, support Jim’s ego and the EgoWare concept. Special Thanks to my roommate, Ira Weissberger, for his undaunting moral support. He never failed to remind me of just how much time I spent on this darn thing, and thoughtfully wondered why I did this “all for nothing.” Deluxe Folder Icon Creator may be distributed freely. However, any commercial distrubution (other than online services) without prior permisson from the author, Jim Cushing, is prohibited. Specifically, Deluxe Folder Icon Creator may not be included on a disk, CD-ROM, or other media where there is a charge greater than the cost of media and distribution itself.